2014 Music Box Sets: A Guide For The Bemused And Disgusted

Rock box sets are indefensible cash-sponges that will endure for as long as baby boomer parents require Christmas presents. Honestly, you don't care if they're any good any more than you worried about whether that tie you bought Dad last Father's Day was ugly. But let's pretend, just for fun, that you're a justifiably skeptical consumer surveying the year's bloated reissue products, and you're seeking a little justifiably skeptical guidance. You've come to the right place. David Bowie, [object Object] (Deluxe Edition)
What do they want me to buy now? David Bowie would like to remind you that for the past two decades, he has been recording music that you have not bothered to listen to, music which he has showcased prominently on the first of th…